Very harsh accusations from America to China!

Very harsh accusations from America to China!
US experts have accused China of stealing technology from an American fifth-generation fighter jet.
American experts claimed that China copied the fifth generation of combat aircraft. The attention-grabbing warnings came from experts, who worried that the nearly gap between the two countries' militaries was closing fast.
Experts who spoke to Fox News Digital accused China of stealing technology from America's fifth-generation fighter jet. It has been said that unless more is done to protect the United States' sensitive weapons information, China will catch up with the United States.
In the news, which included the words of former Deputy Secretary of Defense in the Department for Policy James Anderson, he stated that China had developed much more than it normally would because of the espionage effort.
China has been working towards this since 2008
It has been argued that China has profited greatly over the years from intellectual property theft, emphasizing the similarities between the Chinese J-20 and the American F-22, which came to the fore with the downing of the spy balloon. The news has reported that China has been working on this since 2008. It is also reported that the J-20 entered service in 2017, when it made its first flight in 2011.
Western technology steals
In the news, which reported that the similarities between the two aircraft surfaced with reports in 2015, it was claimed that some Chinese technology may have come from the United States.
In these days when a possible invasion of Taiwan was on the agenda, the Chinese military's technological capabilities reportedly closed the so-called insurmountable gap. On the other hand, it was stated that Chinese spy technology uses more advanced methods.
While the Chinese are said to save money and time in this way, it is said that this situation wil

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