Azaflı Social Aid and Culture Association and the Turkish World Culture Center organized the “Service Awards to the Turkish World and Turkish Culture” ceremony on December 27, 2024. At the ceremony, names that contributed to the protection and promotion of Turkish culture in the international arena and pioneered various projects to strengthen relations with the Turkish world were awarded.
With the decision of the Azaflı Social Aid and Culture Association President Lawyer Arzuman Azaflı and the board of directors, 35 people including academics, politicians, business people and writers, as well as names such as Presidential Chief Advisor Yalçın Topçu, MP Şamil Ayrım, were deemed worthy of the award.
Ankara University Faculty of Language, History and Geography faculty member, Uyghur Turk Prof. Dr. Erkin Emet was also among the award recipients for his academic studies, works and achievements, especially on Uyghurs and the Turkish world.
The awards were presented by the President of the Azaflı Social Aid and Culture Association, Attorney Arzuman Azaflı.
Yalçın Topçu said in his award speech, “Esteemed participants, since the day we were 15-16 years old and benefited from the ideas of our Ata İsmail Gaspıralı, who dedicated his life to the Turks and the unity of the Turks by saying ‘Unity in language, thought, and work…’, it has been our great ideal to strive to fulfill this legacy and continue as long as we live.
I would like to thank the President of the Azaflı Social Aid and Culture Association, Attorney Arzuman Azaflı, and her valuable board for deeming us worthy of such an honorable award.”
Prof. Dr. After expressing his gratitude to the association directors and June for deeming him worthy of this award, Erkin Emet touched upon the ongoing genocide and human rights violations in East Turkistan and called on the Turkic world to support the Uyghurs.