US-Japan drills to counter Chinese threat

The United States and Japan are holding a military exercise called "Iron Fist 24" aimed at countering China's threats in the region.

According to the Voice of America news today, the annual joint military exercise called "Iron Fist 24" in the Kyushu and Okinawa regions of Japan and the United States is ongoing and has been deployed in many areas. Analysts said the drills are all aimed at strengthening the defense of important military bases in Japan's southwestern islands, and in addition to easing the burden on local areas, participating in the drills will provide more combat training and counter China's threat.

The US Navy and Japan's self-defense forces, which began on February 25th at the Ayura Garrison Area in Sasebo, Nagasaki, called "Iron Fist 24" a joint military exercise that is not expected to continue until March 17th.

The Japanese side sent a total of 800 troops from the Marine and Land Mobility Units of the Land Defense Forces, the Western Front (equivalent to the United Front), and the Marine Defense Forces.

The US Navy deployed the 31st Fleet of the Third Expeditionary Force and the 7th Fleet to the exercise. These consisted of a fleet of American warships and 1,300 soldiers.

According to reports, the exercise will be held at eight locations in four prefectures including Nagasaki, Kumamoto, Kagoshima and Okinawa, and will send a clear signal to China against its threats.

Since 2006, the United States and Japan have held annual military exercises called "Iron Fist", and this year is the 18th. The "Iron Fist" military exercise, which has been held in the United States before, was held in Japan last year and this year.

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