U.S., allies call for Taiwan to be allowed to take part in WHO meeting

The United States and its allies issued a joint statement demanding that Taiwan be allowed to attend the World Health Organization's annual meeting.
According to the Voice of America, the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Germany, Japan, the Czech Republic and Lithuania issued a joint statement on May 24, asking Taiwan to participate in the annual meeting of the World Health Organization on May 27.
The joint statement of the eight embassies led by the American Institute in Taipei said: "The 77th World Health Assembly will be held in Geneva this year. But Taiwan is currently largely excluded from international organizations. Inviting Taiwan as an observer best reflects the spirit of inclusiveness of the World Health Organization and the commitment of international health cooperation that everyone should enjoy health.
The statement also mentioned that Taiwan is a high-performing, active and responsible member of the World Health Organization, and was invited to participate in the World Health Assembly as an observer from 2009 to 2016. It is said that it can make a very valuable contribution to the discussions of the World Health Assembly.
The 77th World Health Assembly scheduled by the World Health Organization will be held in Geneva from May 27 to June 1. Taiwan has been left out of the World Health Organization for many years due to Chinese pressure. Taiwan has been excluded from many international organizations due to its opposition to China, which claims the self-governing island nation as part of its territory, although China has never ruled or governed Taiwan.

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