Turkish Supreme Court sentenced Chinese spies

The 3rd Criminal Bureau of the Turkish Supreme Court announced prison sentences for spies who engaged in military and political espionage in Turkey and who collected information about East Turkistan in Turkey and passed it on to Chinese intelligence officials.

Sabah News reported today that the 3rd Criminal Bureau of the Supreme Court of Turkey was engaged in military and political espionage in Turkey. According to the instructions of the Chinese Intelligence Bureau, it collected information about the East Turkistan people who escaped from East Turkistan and took refuge in Turkey, and passed this information to the Chinese intelligence officers. approved the punishment of the spies.

Istanbul 24th Heavy Criminal Court sentenced the defendants, Rui Pan, Abliz Dilyar and Chiang Chen to 12 years and 6 months in prison for the crime of political and military espionage. The defendants, Ben Rongwei, Ben Yije and Yusuf Tuna, were sentenced to 6 years and 3 months in prison and deprived of their rights for the crime of aiding political or military espionage.

The court's decision stated that the defendants targeted the victims living in Turkey, threatened the internal or external interests of the country through these people, obtained confidential information of the victims protected by law through secret agents, and obtained financial benefits by collecting and delivering this information to China. The decision also states that the defendants sent the legal rights and confidential information of the victims sheltered in Turkey to foreign intelligence agencies, and that the actions of the spies constitute the crime of political or military espionage.

The 2nd Criminal Court of the Istanbul Regional Judicial Court has decided to reject the defendants' appeal against the verdict of the first court.

The defendants' appeal reached the 3rd Criminal Court of the Supreme Court. Through the investigation, the court found that the accused Rui Pan, who was looking for Chinese intelligence, tried to kidnap the victims and take them to China, and in the process, the defendant, Rui Pan, who came to Turkey illegally, opened a hotel and provided accommodation to Chinese citizens. All of these actions were based on the instructions of the Chinese intelligence officer. It is alleged that money was transferred between the intelligence agency and entities organized in Turkey, that the defendants obtained and received information according to Chinese arrangements, that the information of the victims was sent to Chinese intelligence officials, and that all information obtained by sharing their residential addresses was given to the Chinese intelligence agency.

The Istanbul District Court of Justice rejected the defendants' appeal after reviewing the appeal against the decision of the 2nd Criminal Court.

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