The United States plans to deploy medium-range missiles in the Indo-Pacific region

The Commander of US Ground Forces in the Pacific, Charles Flynn, announced the United States' intention to deploy medium-range missiles in the Indo-Pacific region in the near future.
Speaking about the missiles, in an interview with the Yomiuri newspaper in Tokyo, Flynn said: “There are plans to introduce them into the region in the near future in cooperation with allies and partners.”
Regarding China's modernization of its missiles, he explained that "finding a way to confront them is a crucial role for the American army."
He did not mention the types of missiles, but the newspaper indicates that they are "Tomahawk" missiles, which are American Typhoon missile systems that use SM6 anti-aircraft missiles. US government sources said that although Japan is one of the candidates to deploy the new weapon, the system may be stationed on the island of Guam and temporarily transferred to Japan for training.
The newspaper indicated that this is due to the need to contain China, and Flynn added that he considers “the orbit in which China is moving” dangerous.
Last year, Flynn already announced US plans to deploy medium-range missiles in the Asia-Pacific region to deter China regarding Taiwan.
Tensions around Taiwan (China) have escalated in recent months, as Beijing asserts its sovereignty over the island's autonomous territories, threatens to use force to extend its control if necessary, and rejects internal trends as well as American policies supporting separatism.
Taiwan and China have been at loggerheads since the end of the civil war in 1949, and Beijing insisted that other countries must respect the "one China" principle, after US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited Taipei in August 2022, a visit that resulted in many politicians visiting Taiwan, expressing their support for its independence from China.

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