Report: European brands linked to forced labor of Uyghurs

On December 6, Sheffield Hallam University in the UK published a report on Uyghur forced labor entitled "tracing the clothing supply chain from the Uyghur region to Europe" and revealed that famous European clothing brands are closely related to Uyghur forced labor.
According to Radio France Internationale, on December 6, this report was published on behalf of the development alliance of Social Democrats of the European Parliament, which called for the implementation of trade regulations that would detain clothes suspected of being associated with forced labor in East Turkistan.
The report also details a cotton processing plant owned by the so-called Xinjiang Zhongtai group, which is included in the list of the 500 largest companies in the world, and the group has been sanctioned by the law on the Prohibition of forced labor of Uyghurs, which has been implemented by the United States since June 2023. The company's products include organic and synthetic fiber fabrics, artificial leather and adhesive products.
One of the authors of the report, Yalcon Ulugyol, explained that over the past decade, the Chinese regime has established more than a dozen textile industrial zones in East Turkistan. China has taken advantage of the Communist Party's so-called "transfer of excess labor and employment" policy to deport Uyghurs to Chinese provinces. A study of only four companies, using very limited data and uncertain supply chains, provided evidence that products contaminated with forced labor were entering the European market without any restrictions.

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