A Bengali YouTuber has revealed that China's international propaganda about East Turkistan is nothing but lies and fraud

A Bengali YouTuber who runs a YouTube channel called "Islamic Life Program" recently visited the International Bazar in Urumqi and made a short video about it. The video was titled "Why do Uyghur Muslims not want to return the greeting?" It is titled The video shows that during the visit, he greeted a group of Uyghurs in the streets and shops with the special greeting "Assalamu Alaikum". Through this visit, he announced the suppression of Islam and Muslims in East Turkistan, the prohibition of all worship, and even the Muslim greetings from the life of the Uyghurs. He revealed his crimes of destruction.
This YouTuber visited the streets of Urumqi's international market specifically for Uyghurs. In the process, he greeted the Uyghurs he met with "Salam Alikum", and only a few of them answered "Welaikum Assalam" in a mood of concern and hesitation. But most Uyghurs refused to respond with "Welaikum Assalam" or answered "Good" to the greeting.
The YouTuber went into a restaurant and asked the name of a Uyghur chef: "Are you Muslim?", and the Uyghur chef answered in a low voice as if he were worried: "Yes, I am Muslim." Then the YouTuber greeted him, saying: "Salam Alikum." Upon hearing the greeting, the chef stopped with an expression on his face, as if he had heard something unheard and unspeakable. A Uyghur woman sitting at a table (who must be the owner of the restaurant) gestured not to answer. So the chef left YouTuber's greeting unanswered.
Previously, the evidence and testimonies revealed that China even forbade the greeting "Asalamu Alaikum" in East Turkistan. The presenters and announcers of English TV channels used to start their programs with "Asalamu Alaikum," but in recent years, they have replaced it with "Hello.".
The Chinese regime, which has been heavily criticized by the international community for its genocide crimes in East Turkistan, especially Islam and anti-Muslim terror policies, is continuing its various false propaganda. Also, in order to hide the Arab-Islamic world's eyes on the issue of East Turkistan, they are slyly claiming that they support the people of Gaza who are being slaughtered in order to avoid the crime of genocide.
However, China destroyed and demolished more than 16,000 mosques in East Turkistan in the name of "sinicization of Islam and socialism." Some mosques have been converted into pubs, cafes or tourist spots. Only a small number of mosques were left behind to deceive the international community. In addition to kidnapping all scholars, China has imprisoned millions of people in concentration camps or prisons for having the slightest religious or ethnic sentiments.
China is currently spending huge sums of money to hire some foreign internet celebrities to broadcast travel videos about East Turkistan in an attempt to cover up the genocide. However, some of the videos that are being circulated reveal the crimes that China is hiding.

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