Residents of the Republic of Congo have protested that Chinese-funded mining has destroyed the region's ecosystem and normal life.

Residents of the Republic of Congo have protested that Chinese-funded mining has destroyed the region's ecosystem and normal life.
British radio company BBC reported on April 30 that the Chinese-owned cobalt mine in the Congo has affected the normal life of residents. Cobalt ore is one of the important raw materials of the green economy.
BBC reporters interviewed local people near the Chinese-invested cobalt mine, and the residents said that they are very angry that China has destroyed the normal lives of their people by mining in the area.
According to residents, the open pit is blasted two to three times a week, disrupting the lives of local people. Before the explosion, a loud siren will be heard, and everyone must immediately stop what they are doing and find a place to take shelter. Residents told reporters the sad reality they were going through.
According to United Nations data, in order to achieve zero emissions of global pollutants by 2050, the use of important minerals such as cobalt must increase sixfold by 2040.
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