Demand to punish the Chinese space technology company

Members of the US House of Representatives have asked the US Department of Commerce to include a "Chinese aerospace technology manufacturer" in its "military end-user" list.

According to the Voice of America reported on April 25, two Republican senators in the US Congress recently sent a letter to senior officials of the US Department of Commerce, suspecting that "China Commercial Aircraft Co." The Chinese Communist Party's aerospace equipment manufacturer is on the "military end user" list, and demands that the Chinese company be punished.

American companies provide service to the Chinese army

The letter, signed by Republican Senators Marco Rubio and Rick Cicotte, states that the Chinese Communist Party allows legal and illegal means to acquire commercial expertise from Chinese companies under the name of the Chinese Communist Party's strategy of "merging the military and civilians", and that the Chinese system allows companies and institutions to conduct military research sensitive through this way. Which means that Western companies engaged in joint research and trade are used to build or support systems that benefit the Chinese military. It was confirmed that “China Commercial Aircraft Co., Ltd.” It creates security gaps that greatly harm America's national and economic security due to its affiliation with the Chinese Communist Party and its close ties with other US airlines.

The senators stressed that China's "military-civilian integration" strategy aims to modernize the Chinese military by acquiring advanced technology and experience that blurs the lines between China's state-owned enterprises, private companies, universities and research programs. They also stated that this step is an attempt to weaken the power of the United States of America and that Chinese companies should be banned in this sector.


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