Chinese navy hits Australian divers

Australia accused the Chinese navy of injuring Australian divers through the planting of mines.
The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) reported that Australian Defense Minister Richard Marles announced on November 18 that a Chinese warship had hit Australian divers with unsafe and unprofessional actions at sea around Japan earlier this week when a Chinese warship approached an Australian ship.
Australian Defense Minister Richard Marles issued a statement on Saturday, stating that an Australian frigate was in international waters within Japan's exclusive economic zone on Tuesday when it stopped to remove fishing nets tangled around its propellers.
He added that the Chinese destroyer approached the Australian ship during diving operations. He said that the Australian side informed the Chinese ship that there were divers working in the area and requested that the ship stay away from them. However, the minister stated that the ship used its sonar in a way that posed a danger to the safety of the Australian divers. He mentioned that the divers suffered minor injuries.
Richard Marles concluded his statement by saying, 'This is a serious and unprofessional behavior,' noting that Australia expects all countries, including China, to lead their armed forces in a professional and safe manner."

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