China, facing international condemnation and some embargoes due to genocide against Uyghurs, including widespread forced labor crimes, has been trying to deceive the international community and cover up its crimes. Recently, they orchestrated another planned visit of foreign students to East Turkistan.
According to Tianshan Net, China's propaganda organ in East Turkistan, Ma Xingrui, Secretary of the so-called "Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region Party Committee," and Erkin Tuniyaz, the puppet chairman of the so-called "Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region Government," received a delegation of foreign students in Urumqi on January 14. These students were reportedly from various countries, including the United States, and are currently studying at Chinese universities.
During the meeting, Ma Xingrui distorted the current dire situation in East Turkistan, claiming: "The Chinese Communist Party has consistently maintained a good situation in Xinjiang where society is harmonious and stable, the economy is flourishing, and people of all ethnicities live peacefully and work happily."
Ma Xingrui also denied the crimes of forced labor, systematic oppression, and genocide that have become apparent to the international community, declaring: "There is no forced labor or genocide in Xinjiang." The report mentioned that the visiting students praised Chinese policies, supporting China's false propaganda.
Contrary to Ma Xingrui's claims, China is implementing a policy of terror in East Turkistan, settling large numbers of Chinese people and companies in the region. Uyghurs are being subjected to forced labor in factories across East Turkistan and China as cheap or unpaid labor.
In recent years, China has been intensifying its false propaganda campaigns, allocating enormous resources to hide its genocide against the people of East Turkistan from the international community. This includes organizing planned visits for officials from countries and organizations friendly to China, using them to deny the existence of genocide and forced labor.
China's systematic genocide in East Turkistan continues, including religious persecution, mass internment in concentration camps, forced labor, deportation, birth prevention, forced assimilation of youth separated from their families, forcing farmers to transfer their farmland, and countless other atrocities. Currently, most countries continue their trade relations with China, allowing forced labor products from East Turkistan to be freely shipped to Asian, European, and African countries.
Since the U.S. government officially approved and began implementing the "Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act" in 2022, many Chinese companies and officials have been added to sanctions lists for their involvement in Uyghur forced labor. Under this law, all products manufactured in East Turkistan are presumed to be linked to forced labor, and a number of Chinese companies have been sanctioned.