China sanctions 2 US-based defense companies over weapons sale to Taiwan

Beijing will give resolute response if US does not halt its military ties with Taiwan, says Foreign Ministry
China has decided to impose sanctions on two US-based military-industrial firms due to their involvement in the sale of US weapons to Taiwan, China’s Foreign Ministry said on Friday.
Lockheed Martin Corporation directly participated in the US arms sale to Taiwan announced on Aug. 24 as the principal contractor, while Northrop Grumman Corporation participated in several US arms sales to Taiwan, said the ministry spokesperson Mao Ning during a news conference
“In accordance with the Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law of the People’s Republic of China, China decides to impose sanctions on these two above-mentioned US defense corporations,” Mao added.
China on Wednesday warned Taiwan’s ruling party that its attempts to purchase weapons from the US are harming the interests of local people and undermining peace and stability in the Taiwan Straits.
Chen Binhua, spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, accused the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) of attempting to pursue “independence” by force, relying on the US.
In response to Taiwan’s move to submit a joint letter to the UN secretary-general through its allies that urged him "to rectify the UN’s erroneous interpretation of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) Resolution 2,758," Chen said the UN is an intergovernmental organization composed only of sovereign states.
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