China reaffirmed the so-called "Consciousness of the Chinese Nation."

At the 11th General Meeting of the 10th Committee of the so-called "Uyghur Autonomous Region" held in East Turkistan, China emphasized on the so-called "Consolidation of the Consciousness of the Chinese Nation Community" and indicated that it will continue to carry out the ongoing genocide in East Turkistan.
According to the Chinese propaganda agency "Xinjang Newspaper", Ma Xingrui, Secretary of the Party Committee of the so-called "Uyghur Autonomous Region" held in Urumqi on April 15th, at the 11th General Meeting of the 10th Committee of the so-called "Uyghur Autonomous Region" held in Urumqi on April 15th, "It is necessary to consolidate the consciousness of the Chinese nation.
At the conference, Ma Shingrui emphasized the source of the genocide policy that has been carried out in East Turkistan for years: "The goal is to deepen the cultural nourishment of Xinjiang, build a common spiritual home for all ethnic groups, and continuously refine the ideological basis of consolidating the consciousness of the common Chinese nation.
The puppet officials who attended the meeting from various provinces, cities, and prefectures of East Turkistan emphasized that the basic line of "strengthening the consciousness of the Chinese nation" should be incorporated into various works.
Since the history of occupation, China has suppressed the people of East Turkistan under various pretexts, and in recent years, it has been openly committing genocide under the name of "consolidating the consciousness of the common Chinese nation" and "feeding on Chinese culture."
China expanded the so-called "Xinjiang Museum" to nearly three times its original size at the beginning of this year in a plan to forget the Uyghur national identity and distort its history. The so-called "Xinjiang Historical Cultural Relics Exhibition" has been newly established in the 2nd Resolution New Palace. The exhibition features more than 1,500 so-called "cultural relics" intended to present a distorted history that East Turkistan "has been a part of China since time immemorial."

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