China has declared non-school-based education illegal.

China has issued a notice, purportedly under the name "Temporary Administrative Penalty Measures for Non-School-Based Education," to strengthen its compulsory assimilation policy against Uyghur children.
According to the statement published on the official website of the Chinese Ministry of Education, these "Temporary Administrative Penalty Measures for Non-School-Based Education," which will be implemented starting October 15th, consist of six paragraphs and 44 articles.
These measures cover non-school-based education, all forms of illegal behavior and legal responsibilities, criminal investigations, execution and enforcement authorities, administrative penalties, judicial jurisdiction, and oversight of the judicial process, among other considerations.
According to this, individuals or legal representatives, as well as representatives of institutions and organizations, will be subject to administrative criminal proceedings if they accept children under the age of three, as well as primary and secondary school students, and provide "illegal" non-school-based education.
This measure, which involves the execution of administrative penalties for non-school-based education, requires the full implementation of relevant laws and regulations by people's governments or administrative procedure departments at the county or higher levels.
Additionally, separate provisions for face-to-face education, online education, and non-school-based education will be introduced, and any form of dividing education based on work will not be allowed, regardless of whether more than two people have an appropriate organizational structure for education at a specific educational site that meets the requirements of face-to-face or online education. Establishing a non-school-based educational institution will be considered a criminal offense.
Systematic assimilation is being practiced
According to the information, individuals and organizations that open non-school-based courses without permission will be subject to a warning fine of up to 100,000 yuan.
Observers have pointed out that the so-called "Temporary Administrative Penalty Measures for Non-School-Based Education" have been a means of repression applied to East Turkistan's children for many years. The actual purpose here is to carry out practices aimed at tearing people away from their religious beliefs, national values, and self-identity, targeting all Uyghur children. This aims at subjecting people to forced assimilation under coercion, restricting their culture, civilization, writing, and mother tongue, and imposing Chinese education. All these are clear indicators of this.
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