China has also used Eid as a propaganda tool

The Chinese regime, which is committing genocide against the people of East Turkistan and bans all worship, including fasting, has used Eid as a false propaganda tool this year.
A news report published on the website of the Chinese propaganda agency Tiyartag in East Turkistan described false scenes of Uyghurs and Chinese "celebrating Eid together, eating together, singing and dancing, and showing ethnic unity on Eid."
China also arranged the so-called "Silk Road Economic Belt Co-Founder Countries Media Research Conference" in East Turkistan in the run-up to the Eid-ul-Fitr period, inviting media personnel from 21 countries, including Pakistan, Bahrain, Australia, and Canada. After the meeting, they were taken to Kashgar on the day of Eid-ul-Fitr, and in front of the Igah Jama's, they showed pre-arranged fake scenes of Uyghurs "celebrating the festival with music" and deceived their eyes.
The Chinese regime in East Turkistan has issued a notice of only one day off for Eid, in stark contrast to other Chinese holidays, which are enforced on Uyghurs, with three days to one week off.
In addition, even on the website of the so-called "Islamic Society," which was left for Chinese propaganda, no content related to the month of Ramadan or fasting was published.

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