China's unconventional nuclear energy development poses security risks

Although the Chinese regime is accelerating the development of nuclear power, the lack of information and management loopholes may pose security risks.
Voice of America reported on April 5 that China has been accelerating the development of nuclear energy in recent years, aiming to surpass the United States as the largest nuclear energy country. However, experts worry that rapid scaling could create security and regulatory vulnerabilities. In addition, due to China's highly centralized political environment and lack of information transparency, it is difficult for the international community to know whether security standards are met and the degree of independence of regulatory agencies. These factors raise potential concerns about the safety of nuclear power.
At the Asia Boa Forum held last week, Xi, the deputy general manager of the China Nuclear Power Group, said that China's installed nuclear power has exceeded 100 million kilowatts, and China will surpass the United States this year to become the world's largest nuclear power country. In March of this year, the director of China Nuclear Power Company, Lu Tiezhong, told the media that China will approve the construction of nearly ten nuclear power plants every year in the future.
In 2022 and 2023, the Chinese regime has reportedly approved the construction of ten new nuclear power plants per year. China currently has 26 nuclear power plants under construction, the most in the world. Sixteen countries in the world are building new nuclear reactors, with China accounting for half of the total. There are currently 20 nuclear power plants under construction and operation in China, all of which are located along the coast. There are 55 nuclear power plants in China, and 93 in the United States.
China has accelerated nuclear power development in recent years, a rapid expansion that has raised concerns about safety and regulatory oversight. Some researchers have said that the United States has taken a long time to build 93 nuclear power plants because of its high safety standards, but China is only concerned with rapid expansion rather than risk.
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