Arab-Chinese cooperation is increasing!

On the first day of the tenth Arab-Chinese business conference held in Saudi Arabia with the participation of more than 3 thousand people from 23 countries, investment agreements worth more than 10 billion dollars were signed.

The official Saudi Press Agency reported in a news release that 30 agreements were concluded on the first day of the conference in the fields of technology, renewable energy sources, agriculture, real estate, supply chains, tourism and health.

According to Anadolu Agency, it was reported that the value of the agreements exceeded 10 billion dollars, and there were reports of the conclusion of an agreement worth 5.6 million dollars between the Saudi Ministry of investment and the Chinese company Human Horizons on the production of electric cars.

Conclusion of public and private sector agreements

In the news, the agreements include a USD 500 million agreement between the ASK International Group in Saudi Arabia and the Chinese national Geology and Mining Company for the development and financing of a copper mining project in the country. In addition, it is reported that there is an agreement worth 250 million dollars between the Saudi Arabian Railway Company and CRRC, a train car manufacturer affiliated with the Chinese government, aimed at producing train carriages. It was also noted that supply chains for the oil and gas sectors, innovation, research partnerships and partnerships related to the food sector will be discussed at the conference.

More than a thousand people from 23 countries took part

It is noteworthy that the tenth Arab-Chinese business conference, hosted by Saudi Arabia for the first time, is being held in the capital Riyadh for two days under the slogan "cooperation for prosperity" with the participation of more than 3,000 people from 23 countries. He also mentioned that it was organized in partnership with the Chinese Council for the promotion of international trade and the Union of Arab chambers.

In addition, it was noted that at the conference, which will be attended by more than 150 speakers from senior executives of major companies and ministers from China and Arab countries, 8 dialogue sessions and 18 workshops will be held, as well as special meetings and events.

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