An artificial intelligence platform was created to identify Uyghur forced labor

At a time when the issue of forced labor is on the international agenda, an artificial intelligence platform that specifically identifies the supply chain involved in Uyghur forced labor has emerged.
As Voice of America reported on April 25, as the implementation of the Uyghur Forced Labor Prohibition Act approaches two years, a new artificial intelligence tool was developed last week that can specifically identify supply chains involved in Uyghur forced labor. .
According to the report, the tool named "Supply Trace" is an open artificial intelligence platform, a joint project of Northeastern University in Boston and Sheffield Hallam University in England.
Officials told the Voice of America platform: "This tool will focus on tracking clothing exported to the United States in the test phase, and plans to expand to other regions and industries in the future."
According to Shawn Bimani, an assistant professor of supply chain management at Northeastern University who led the development of the supply tracking platform, the tool was created largely to voice the US's Forced Labor Prohibition Act and other similar laws around the world. By combining garment transport with the potential risks of forced labor in East Turkistan, the device presents a systemic change in the supply chain.
"The platform is designed to help supply chain participants proactively and continuously access information on potential forced labor risks," Shawn Biman told VOA. This, in turn, helps prevent and institutionalize forced labor in the supply chain," he said, adding that the platform was built for use by companies, civil society, consumers, academia, and governments.
In June 2022, the U.S. government passed the Uyghur Forced Labor Prohibition Act, accusing China of forced labor and human rights abuses against Uyghurs in East Turkistan, and banning the entry of Uyghur goods produced through forced labor into the United States. Chinese companies and other companies are prohibited from importing their products to the United States unless they can prove that their products do not involve forced labor.

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