A seminar for religious studies students was held in Istanbul

On November 30, the first seminar of East Turkistan master's and doctoral students in religious sciences was held at Sabahattin Zayim University in Istanbul.
The seminar was organized by the East Turkistan Scholars Association, and 12 students who are pursuing master's or doctoral degrees in religious sciences at different universities in Turkey presented their scientific papers in the fields of tafsir, hadith, Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh), history of schools of thought, recitation science and religious education, and history.
The students were divided into four groups and gave lectures in order, and after each stage, they answered questions from the participants about the topic.
The seminar was attended by scholars, students, and a group of Uyghurs living in Istanbul. At the end of the one-day conference, certificates of appreciation were awarded to the students who presented their papers.

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