Biden hopes for a meeting with the Chinese President that will lead to “normalizing relations.”

US President Joe Biden expressed his hope that his meeting with his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, would be a “step to normalize” relations between the two countries.
This came in statements he made to reporters at the White House on Tuesday.
He said he hoped his meeting with the Chinese president would be a "step to normalize" relations, including fully re-establishing bilateral contacts.
He added that what is also hoped for is “the ability to pick up the phone and talk when there is a crisis, and to ensure that the two armies are in contact with each other.” He stressed that his country "is not trying to distance itself from China, but rather to change the relationship for the better."
He pointed out that the Chinese people are currently going through a "difficult" economic situation, explaining that it would be beneficial for everyone if Chinese citizens obtained good-paying jobs. He continued, "But although we want to invest in China, I cannot support positions that require us to reveal all our trade secrets."
It is expected that Biden and his Chinese counterpart will meet face-to-face tomorrow, Wednesday, within the framework of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit, which will be held in San Francisco this week.
Biden and Xi will discuss Taiwan, the South China Sea, the war between Hamas and Israel, the Russian invasion of Ukraine and North Korea, and human rights, topics on which the two presidents have been unable to resolve their long-term differences.
Biden and Xi arrived in San Francisco on Tuesday, where they are scheduled to hold a meeting on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit.
The leaders of the 21-nation group and hundreds of CEOs are meeting amid a weak Chinese economy, simmering regional conflicts between China and neighboring countries, and a conflict in the Middle East that is dividing the United States and its allies.
Xi's visit to the American city located in northern California may face challenges in light of the unrest it is witnessing, despite efforts being made to clear the streets of homeless people. The road from the airport to the conference site also witnessed a line of demonstrators for and against China's ruling Communist Party, an unusual scene for Xi, who last visited the United States in 2017.
The Chinese communist authorities use various deceptive methods in order to impose their hegemony on other countries, seek to control the economies of other countries, and interfere in their internal affairs. It aims to occupy other countries, just as it occupied East Turkistan.

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